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My family members are my best friends and they make me feel so loved and have given me the greatest memories.  However, my family is scattered. I live in Oklahoma, my oldest brother lives in Illinois, another brother and my parents live in two cities in Korea. My AC is a way of expressing my love for them, and the memories that we all hold dear while we are physically scattered around the world.


The first work in my AC represents family together before our physical separations. Works

2-4 represent my travel to the US and how I began to feel in a foreign country without my family. I chose to use the flags of both countries as imagery for these works to show the contrast yet the similarities of both countries.  In works 5-6, I am beginning to feel comfortable with the culture of the US and getting a taste of how to function here, represented by an American ice cream cone. Still, I feel a bit confused and miss my own culture (works 7-9) often feeling like I am masking my true identity (work 7). In the end, works 10-12 and while creating these final works, I realized that family is more than a physical thing and that family ties are deep within us.

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